terça-feira, 21 de maio de 2013

Press freedom gains ground in Barue District of Mozambique

                                       JOHN CHEKWA IN THE MAGISTRATE COURT

The magistrate of Judicial Court of Barue, District, Manica province of Mozambique in Southern Africa, Luis Massingue has discharged a journalist of Catandica Community Multimedia Centre  who was being accused of defamation by both the ministry of public affairs and the local seed Company.

The court sentence was read by the judicial Magistrate on the 21st of May 2013 in Catandica headquarters and took almost one hour seven minutes discharging all the allegations laid against the Coordinator and Journalist- John Chekwa.

In  2011 Catandica Community Radio received a group of 60 peasant farmers complaining about the 2,5 tones of maize seed which brought losses after casted several times on the fields by these farmers. Before presenting the issue to the Community Radio the farmers tried by all means without success inviting the seed supplier. As a way forward they therefore decided to report these issue to the radio as their godfather. The Community radio visited the farmers fields and also tried without success to contact any interview with both the seed company and the district director of agriculture (SDAE) about these seeds.

On the 23rd of January 2012, Catandica Community Radio published this news in its many different  forms of Communication using ICTs  like local news paper, national media  and blogspot.  Unfortunately this worried the owner of the seed company and he therefore raised a criminal case against the journalist and the 60 farmers.

Apart from the losses faced  by the peasant farmers the seed company was demanding payment of this maize seed on the value of ninety ‘ five thousand meticais which is roughly equivalent to three thousand dollars.(U$ 3.000,00)

On the day of sentence the judicial magistrate- Luis Massingue said that there was no crime committed by the journalist John Chekwa because he played his duty according to the press law act 18 of 1991.


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